

Membership platform for Telegram
Effortlessly manage paid subscriptions to your channels

Crypto, PayPal and Credit card payments

You can set prices in cryptocurrencies or fiat money and let your subscribers choose ways of payment.

Low fees

We take 1.5% of crypto payments and 50 eurocents per subscriber (but never higher than 35 EUR) for PayPal payments.

Trial for subscribers

Let your subscribers try out the subscription for free.

Discounts framework

Flexible framework to create your own discount codes.

Anti-pirate mechanism

This mechanism will help you identify and ban pirates who steal your content.

Affiliate system

Motivate your subscribers to invite friends by giving them a comission for every successful referral.

Support groups

Create support groups or add supplementary channels to the main channel of the subscription.

Retention reminders

Set up your own retention reminders for subscribers who stopped paying. Include a discount code to motivate them to return.

Want to know more?

👉🏻  Check out our Documentation

or watch directly the Video-tutorial:

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